March 09, 2025
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Volume II-5/W3, 2015 – Keyword index
Volume II-5/W3
Volume II-5/W3
Volume II-5/W3, 2015 – Keyword index
Out of the archaeologist's desk drawer: communicating archaeological data online
, pages 1–7
Embedding Knowledge in 3D Data Frameworks in Cultural Heritage
, pages 47–52
3D Imaging
Documenting Modern Mexican Architectural Heritage for Posterity: Barragan’s Casa Cristo, in Guadalajara, Mexico
, pages 199–206
3D Laser Scanner
CASTLE3D - A Computer Aided System for Labelling Archaeological Excavations in 3D
, pages 111–118
3D Laser Scanning
Digitalized preservation and presentation of historical building – taking traditional temples and dougong as examples
, pages 371–376
3D Modeling
Comparison Of Laser Scanning And Photogrammetry And Their Use For Digital Recording Of Cultural Monument Case Study: Byzantine Land Walls-Istanbul
, pages 17–24
3D Modelling
Digital restoration research and three-dimensional model construction on Xieqiqu
, pages 75–81
3D Point Cloud Processing
CASTLE3D - A Computer Aided System for Labelling Archaeological Excavations in 3D
, pages 111–118
3D Scanning
Integrated Digital Technologies for the Architectural Rehabilitation & Conservation of Beinn Bhreagh Hall & Surrounding Site, Nova Scotia, Canada
, pages 235–241
3D environments
Building Information Modelling for Cultural Heritage: A review
, pages 177–183
3D imaging
Documentation for emergency condition mapping of Decorated historic surfaces at the Caid Residence, the Kasbah of Taourirt (Ouarzazate, Morocco)
, pages 229–234
Integrated Digital Technologies for the Architectural Rehabilitation & Conservation of Beinn Bhreagh Hall & Surrounding Site, Nova Scotia, Canada
, pages 235–241
3D laser scanning
The Application of 3D Laser Scanning in the Survey and Measuring of Guyue Bridge of Song Dynasty in Yiwu City
, pages 185–190
3D modelling
Point clouds segmentation as base for as-built BIM creation
, pages 191–197
Linking buildings, archives and museums of the 19th century Turin's Cultural Heritage
, pages 307–314
3D modelling; Procedural modelling; Parametric model; Construction rules; Cultural heritage
Procedural modelling for reconstruction of historic monuments
, pages 137–144
3D models
Benchmarking Range-Based and Image-Based Techniques for Digitizing a Glazed Earthenware Frieze
, pages 315–322
3D printing
The bust of Francesco II Gonzaga: from digital documentation to 3D printing
, pages 9–15
3D scanners
Finding the displacement of wood structure in heritage building by 3D laser scanner
, pages 165–169
3D visualisation
Crowdsourcing Lost Cultural Heritage
, pages 295–300
5D modelling
5D Modelling: An Efficient Approach for Creating Spatiotemporal Predictive 3D Maps of Large-Scale Cultural Resources
, pages 61–68
Alexander Graham Bell
Integrated Digital Technologies for the Architectural Rehabilitation & Conservation of Beinn Bhreagh Hall & Surrounding Site, Nova Scotia, Canada
, pages 235–241
The Application of 3D Laser Scanning in the Survey and Measuring of Guyue Bridge of Song Dynasty in Yiwu City
, pages 185–190
Out of the archaeologist's desk drawer: communicating archaeological data online
, pages 1–7
CASTLE3D - A Computer Aided System for Labelling Archaeological Excavations in 3D
, pages 111–118
Remote sensing, landscape and archaeology tracing ancient tracks and roads between Palmyra and the Euphrates in Syria
, pages 279–285
The possible use of ancient tower tombs as watchtowers in Syro-Mesopotamia
, pages 287–293
Augmented Reality
Digitalized preservation and presentation of historical building – taking traditional temples and dougong as examples
, pages 371–376
Axe and Adze, Tool Mark
Recovering prehistoric woodworking skills using spatial analysis techniques
, pages 153–158
as-built BIM
Point clouds segmentation as base for as-built BIM creation
, pages 191–197
Point clouds segmentation as base for as-built BIM creation
, pages 191–197
Impact of learning content on World Heritage Site preservation awareness in town of Luang Prabang, Lao PDR: Application of Protection Motivation Theory
, pages 251–256
BIM platforms
Building Information Modelling for Cultural Heritage: A review
, pages 177–183
Topography Restoration of Historic City Research
, pages 301–305
The Bibliometric Analysis Of Literature On Museum Studies
, pages 159–164
Big data
Innovative and applied research on big data platforms of smart heritage
, pages 257–261
Boundaries and Boundary Marks - Substantive Cultural Heritage of Extensive Importance
, pages 329–334
Bradford's Law
The Bibliometric Analysis Of Literature On Museum Studies
, pages 159–164
Bronze Age
Recovering prehistoric woodworking skills using spatial analysis techniques
, pages 153–158
Building Information Modelling
Building Information Modelling for Cultural Heritage: A review
, pages 177–183
Building Information Modelling (BIM)
Integrated Digital Technologies for the Architectural Rehabilitation & Conservation of Beinn Bhreagh Hall & Surrounding Site, Nova Scotia, Canada
, pages 235–241
Topography Restoration of Historic City Research
, pages 301–305
The global rock art database: developing a rock art reference model for the RADB system using the CIDOC CRM and Australian heritage examples
, pages 89–96
Semantically Documenting Virtual Reconstruction: Building a Path to Knowledge Provenance
, pages 33–40
Boundaries and Boundary Marks - Substantive Cultural Heritage of Extensive Importance
, pages 329–334
Methodology of high-resolution photography for mural condition database
, pages 105–110
Documentation and Cultural Heritage Inventories - Case of the Historic City of Ahmadabad
, pages 271–278
Digitisation of Scenic and Historic Interest Areas in China
, pages 363–369
CityGML, Visualization
5D Modelling: An Efficient Approach for Creating Spatiotemporal Predictive 3D Maps of Large-Scale Cultural Resources
, pages 61–68
Close range photogrammetry
Orthoimages of the outer walls and towers of the château de Chambord
, pages 243–250
Cognitive development
A study of historical preservation learning based on cognitive development theory
, pages 335–341
Inventory of Forts in Indonesia
, pages 263–270
Out of the archaeologist's desk drawer: communicating archaeological data online
, pages 1–7
Benchmarking Range-Based and Image-Based Techniques for Digitizing a Glazed Earthenware Frieze
, pages 315–322
Component Library
Promoting the Effect of the Qing Dynasty Imperial Garden Architectural Component Library on the Digitalization of Cultural Heritage
, pages 131–136
Computer-Aided Drawing
Documenting Modern Mexican Architectural Heritage for Posterity: Barragan’s Casa Cristo, in Guadalajara, Mexico
, pages 199–206
Documentation for emergency condition mapping of Decorated historic surfaces at the Caid Residence, the Kasbah of Taourirt (Ouarzazate, Morocco)
, pages 229–234
Integrated Digital Technologies for the Architectural Rehabilitation & Conservation of Beinn Bhreagh Hall & Surrounding Site, Nova Scotia, Canada
, pages 235–241
Documentation for emergency condition mapping of Decorated historic surfaces at the Caid Residence, the Kasbah of Taourirt (Ouarzazate, Morocco)
, pages 229–234
Integrated Digital Technologies for the Architectural Rehabilitation & Conservation of Beinn Bhreagh Hall & Surrounding Site, Nova Scotia, Canada
, pages 235–241
Conservation, Luis Barragán
Documenting Modern Mexican Architectural Heritage for Posterity: Barragan’s Casa Cristo, in Guadalajara, Mexico
, pages 199–206
Construction Features
The Construction Features of Traditional Settlements in the Middle Area of Jiangxi Province Basing on the Analysis of Tangyin Town
, pages 69–73
Content analysis
A study of historical preservation learning based on cognitive development theory
, pages 335–341
Core Curriculum
Study on Spatial Cultural Heritage Integrated into the Core Curriculum
, pages 125–130
Crowdsourcing Lost Cultural Heritage
, pages 295–300
Cultural Heritage
Comparison Of Laser Scanning And Photogrammetry And Their Use For Digital Recording Of Cultural Monument Case Study: Byzantine Land Walls-Istanbul
, pages 17–24
Remote sensing, landscape and archaeology tracing ancient tracks and roads between Palmyra and the Euphrates in Syria
, pages 279–285
The possible use of ancient tower tombs as watchtowers in Syro-Mesopotamia
, pages 287–293
Crowdsourcing Lost Cultural Heritage
, pages 295–300
Disaster Risk Management and Measurement Indicators for Cultural Heritage in Taiwan
, pages 383–388
Cultural Heritage Model
5D Modelling: An Efficient Approach for Creating Spatiotemporal Predictive 3D Maps of Large-Scale Cultural Resources
, pages 61–68
Cultural Heritage documentation
The bust of Francesco II Gonzaga: from digital documentation to 3D printing
, pages 9–15
Cultural heritage
A study of historical preservation learning based on cognitive development theory
, pages 335–341
Design and Research of Service Platform for Protection and Dissemination of Cultural Heritage Resources of The Silk Road in the Territory of China
, pages 395–399
Culture Heritage
Pass the Flame: Tentative Programs of Cultural Heritage Education Among Teenagers in Yuanmingyuan Site
, pages 215–220
Integrated Digital Technologies for the Architectural Rehabilitation & Conservation of Beinn Bhreagh Hall & Surrounding Site, Nova Scotia, Canada
, pages 235–241
conservation plan
Conservation plan based on the concept of integrity
, pages 377–382
creative industries, tourism
Cultural Heritage Content Re-Use: An Aggregators's Point of View
, pages 83–87
cultural heritage
Data-driven systems and system-driven data: the story of the Flanders Heritage Inventory (1995-2015)
, pages 323–327
cultural heritage documentation
Building Information Modelling for Cultural Heritage: A review
, pages 177–183
cultural mapping
Conservation plan based on the concept of integrity
, pages 377–382
Embedding Knowledge in 3D Data Frameworks in Cultural Heritage
, pages 47–52
Data Processing
Documentation and Cultural Heritage Inventories - Case of the Historic City of Ahmadabad
, pages 271–278
Data base
A Contribution to the Built Heritage Environmental Impact Assessment
, pages 389–394
Inventory of Forts in Indonesia
, pages 263–270
Decorated Surfaces
Documentation for emergency condition mapping of Decorated historic surfaces at the Caid Residence, the Kasbah of Taourirt (Ouarzazate, Morocco)
, pages 229–234
Inventory of Forts in Indonesia
, pages 263–270
Digital Archive
Digitalized preservation and presentation of historical building – taking traditional temples and dougong as examples
, pages 371–376
Digital Restoration
Digital restoration research and three-dimensional model construction on Xieqiqu
, pages 75–81
Digital Scenic Area project
Digitisation of Scenic and Historic Interest Areas in China
, pages 363–369
Digital fabrication
Digitally-Assisted Stone Carving of a Relief Sculpture for the Parliament Buildings National Historic Site of Canada
, pages 97–103
Digital heritage inventory
On-site digital heritage inventory development at Bat, Oman
, pages 145–152
Disaster Risk Management
Disaster Risk Management and Measurement Indicators for Cultural Heritage in Taiwan
, pages 383–388
Dissemination design
Design and Research of Service Platform for Protection and Dissemination of Cultural Heritage Resources of The Silk Road in the Territory of China
, pages 395–399
Documenting Modern Mexican Architectural Heritage for Posterity: Barragan’s Casa Cristo, in Guadalajara, Mexico
, pages 199–206
Integrated Digital Technologies for the Architectural Rehabilitation & Conservation of Beinn Bhreagh Hall & Surrounding Site, Nova Scotia, Canada
, pages 235–241
Linking buildings, archives and museums of the 19th century Turin's Cultural Heritage
, pages 307–314
Documentation and Monitoring
A Tentative Model for the Documentation and Monitoring of Historic Streets by Mobile Digital Application – A Case Study of Kunming Nanqiang Street
, pages 415–419
data centralization
The global rock art database: developing a rock art reference model for the RADB system using the CIDOC CRM and Australian heritage examples
, pages 89–96
data integration
Embedding Knowledge in 3D Data Frameworks in Cultural Heritage
, pages 47–52
Linking buildings, archives and museums of the 19th century Turin's Cultural Heritage
, pages 307–314
Data-driven systems and system-driven data: the story of the Flanders Heritage Inventory (1995-2015)
, pages 323–327
dense image matching
The bust of Francesco II Gonzaga: from digital documentation to 3D printing
, pages 9–15
digital cultural heritage
Embedding Knowledge in 3D Data Frameworks in Cultural Heritage
, pages 47–52
digital history
Linking buildings, archives and museums of the 19th century Turin's Cultural Heritage
, pages 307–314
Methodology of high-resolution photography for mural condition database
, pages 105–110
domain model
The global rock art database: developing a rock art reference model for the RADB system using the CIDOC CRM and Australian heritage examples
, pages 89–96
Cultural Heritage Content Re-Use: An Aggregators's Point of View
, pages 83–87
Documenting Modern Mexican Architectural Heritage for Posterity: Barragan’s Casa Cristo, in Guadalajara, Mexico
, pages 199–206
Documentation for emergency condition mapping of Decorated historic surfaces at the Caid Residence, the Kasbah of Taourirt (Ouarzazate, Morocco)
, pages 229–234
Integrated Digital Technologies for the Architectural Rehabilitation & Conservation of Beinn Bhreagh Hall & Surrounding Site, Nova Scotia, Canada
, pages 235–241
A Contribution to the Built Heritage Environmental Impact Assessment
, pages 389–394
Earthen Architecture, Documentation
Documentation for emergency condition mapping of Decorated historic surfaces at the Caid Residence, the Kasbah of Taourirt (Ouarzazate, Morocco)
, pages 229–234
Pass the Flame: Tentative Programs of Cultural Heritage Education Among Teenagers in Yuanmingyuan Site
, pages 215–220
An Interactive Immersive Serious Game Application for Kunyu Quantu World Map
, pages 221–227
Environmental impact
A Contribution to the Built Heritage Environmental Impact Assessment
, pages 389–394
European-style Palace, System
Construction of China’s “Large Ruins” Monitoring System Based on the Comparative Analysis of World Cultural Heritage Monitoring - An Example of the European - style Palace of the Old Summer Palace
, pages 171–176
Innovative and applied research on big data platforms of smart heritage
, pages 257–261
Documenting the light sensitivity of Spanish Levantine rock art paintings
, pages 53–59
Impact of learning content on World Heritage Site preservation awareness in town of Luang Prabang, Lao PDR: Application of Protection Motivation Theory
, pages 251–256
Documentation of some Cultural Heritage Emergencies in Syria In August 2010 by Spherical Photrammetry
, pages 401–408
energy simulation
Integrated Digital Technologies for the Architectural Rehabilitation & Conservation of Beinn Bhreagh Hall & Surrounding Site, Nova Scotia, Canada
, pages 235–241
existing buildings
Point clouds segmentation as base for as-built BIM creation
, pages 191–197
The Application of 3D Laser Scanning in the Survey and Measuring of Guyue Bridge of Song Dynasty in Yiwu City
, pages 185–190
Formation Logic
The Construction Features of Traditional Settlements in the Middle Area of Jiangxi Province Basing on the Analysis of Tangyin Town
, pages 69–73
Inventory of Forts in Indonesia
, pages 263–270
Recovering prehistoric woodworking skills using spatial analysis techniques
, pages 153–158
The possible use of ancient tower tombs as watchtowers in Syro-Mesopotamia
, pages 287–293
Topography Restoration of Historic City Research
, pages 301–305
Linking buildings, archives and museums of the 19th century Turin's Cultural Heritage
, pages 307–314
A Study about the 3S-based Great Ruins Monitoring and Early-warning System
, pages 357–361
GIS Applications
Documentation and Cultural Heritage Inventories - Case of the Historic City of Ahmadabad
, pages 271–278
A Study about the 3S-based Great Ruins Monitoring and Early-warning System
, pages 357–361
great ruins
A Study about the 3S-based Great Ruins Monitoring and Early-warning System
, pages 357–361
Building Information Modelling for Cultural Heritage: A review
, pages 177–183
Heritage Inventories
Documentation and Cultural Heritage Inventories - Case of the Historic City of Ahmadabad
, pages 271–278
Heritage Protection
Promoting the Effect of the Qing Dynasty Imperial Garden Architectural Component Library on the Digitalization of Cultural Heritage
, pages 131–136
Heritage asset
A Contribution to the Built Heritage Environmental Impact Assessment
, pages 389–394
Heritage buildings
Finding the displacement of wood structure in heritage building by 3D laser scanner
, pages 165–169
Heritage management
Documentation and Cultural Heritage Inventories - Case of the Historic City of Ahmadabad
, pages 271–278
High Resolution Images
Out of the archaeologist's desk drawer: communicating archaeological data online
, pages 1–7
Historic Archival Resources
Digital restoration research and three-dimensional model construction on Xieqiqu
, pages 75–81
Historic Streets
A Tentative Model for the Documentation and Monitoring of Historic Streets by Mobile Digital Application – A Case Study of Kunming Nanqiang Street
, pages 415–419
Historic city
Conservation of cultural heritage in minority ethnic regions in northwestern china—an exploration at Kuqa, Xinjiang
, pages 343–349
Historical Building
Digitalized preservation and presentation of historical building – taking traditional temples and dougong as examples
, pages 371–376
Historical City
Kabbalah: On Spatio-Temporal Database Visualization With Historical Events: A Case Study of History Flow of Chia-Yi Beimen Station
, pages 119–123
heritage management
The global rock art database: developing a rock art reference model for the RADB system using the CIDOC CRM and Australian heritage examples
, pages 89–96
high-resolution image
Methodology of high-resolution photography for mural condition database
, pages 105–110
Image matching
Comparison Of Laser Scanning And Photogrammetry And Their Use For Digital Recording Of Cultural Monument Case Study: Byzantine Land Walls-Istanbul
, pages 17–24
Immovable Heritage
Inventory of Forts in Indonesia
, pages 263–270
Inventory of Forts in Indonesia
, pages 263–270
Information Visualization
Kabbalah: On Spatio-Temporal Database Visualization With Historical Events: A Case Study of History Flow of Chia-Yi Beimen Station
, pages 119–123
Intangible Cultural Heritage
Recovering prehistoric woodworking skills using spatial analysis techniques
, pages 153–158
Conservation plan based on the concept of integrity
, pages 377–382
International Symposium
Pass the Flame: Tentative Programs of Cultural Heritage Education Among Teenagers in Yuanmingyuan Site
, pages 215–220
Inventory of Forts in Indonesia
, pages 263–270
An Interactive Immersive Serious Game Application for Kunyu Quantu World Map
, pages 221–227
indoor point clouds
Point clouds segmentation as base for as-built BIM creation
, pages 191–197
An Interactive Immersive Serious Game Application for Kunyu Quantu World Map
, pages 221–227
international development
Impact of learning content on World Heritage Site preservation awareness in town of Luang Prabang, Lao PDR: Application of Protection Motivation Theory
, pages 251–256
Data-driven systems and system-driven data: the story of the Flanders Heritage Inventory (1995-2015)
, pages 323–327
Jebel Bishri
Remote sensing, landscape and archaeology tracing ancient tracks and roads between Palmyra and the Euphrates in Syria
, pages 279–285
Kunyu Quantu World Map
An Interactive Immersive Serious Game Application for Kunyu Quantu World Map
, pages 221–227
Land Registry
Boundaries and Boundary Marks - Substantive Cultural Heritage of Extensive Importance
, pages 329–334
Boundaries and Boundary Marks - Substantive Cultural Heritage of Extensive Importance
, pages 329–334
Large Ruins
Construction of China’s “Large Ruins” Monitoring System Based on the Comparative Analysis of World Cultural Heritage Monitoring - An Example of the European - style Palace of the Old Summer Palace
, pages 171–176
Large scale Cultural Heritage sites
5D Modelling: An Efficient Approach for Creating Spatiotemporal Predictive 3D Maps of Large-Scale Cultural Resources
, pages 61–68
Laser Scanning
Out of the archaeologist's desk drawer: communicating archaeological data online
, pages 1–7
Digitally-Assisted Stone Carving of a Relief Sculpture for the Parliament Buildings National Historic Site of Canada
, pages 97–103
Laser scanning
Benchmarking Range-Based and Image-Based Techniques for Digitizing a Glazed Earthenware Frieze
, pages 315–322
Latent Semantic Analysis
A study of historical preservation learning based on cognitive development theory
, pages 335–341
Documenting the light sensitivity of Spanish Levantine rock art paintings
, pages 53–59
linked open data
Cultural Heritage Content Re-Use: An Aggregators's Point of View
, pages 83–87
Cultural Heritage Content Re-Use: An Aggregators's Point of View
, pages 83–87
Documentation and Cultural Heritage Inventories - Case of the Historic City of Ahmadabad
, pages 271–278
Remote sensing, landscape and archaeology tracing ancient tracks and roads between Palmyra and the Euphrates in Syria
, pages 279–285
The Application of 3D Laser Scanning in the Survey and Measuring of Guyue Bridge of Song Dynasty in Yiwu City
, pages 185–190
Metadata aggregation
Cultural Heritage Content Re-Use: An Aggregators's Point of View
, pages 83–87
Orthoimages of the outer walls and towers of the château de Chambord
, pages 243–250
Microfading spectrometry
Documenting the light sensitivity of Spanish Levantine rock art paintings
, pages 53–59
Middle of Jiangxi Area
The Construction Features of Traditional Settlements in the Middle Area of Jiangxi Province Basing on the Analysis of Tangyin Town
, pages 69–73
Minority Ethnic Region
Conservation of cultural heritage in minority ethnic regions in northwestern china—an exploration at Kuqa, Xinjiang
, pages 343–349
Mobile Digital Application
A Tentative Model for the Documentation and Monitoring of Historic Streets by Mobile Digital Application – A Case Study of Kunming Nanqiang Street
, pages 415–419
Semantically Documenting Virtual Reconstruction: Building a Path to Knowledge Provenance
, pages 33–40
Modern Architecture
Documenting Modern Mexican Architectural Heritage for Posterity: Barragan’s Casa Cristo, in Guadalajara, Mexico
, pages 199–206
Construction of China’s “Large Ruins” Monitoring System Based on the Comparative Analysis of World Cultural Heritage Monitoring - An Example of the European - style Palace of the Old Summer Palace
, pages 171–176
Monument monitoring
Orthoimages of the outer walls and towers of the château de Chambord
, pages 243–250
The Bibliometric Analysis Of Literature On Museum Studies
, pages 159–164
An Interactive Immersive Serious Game Application for Kunyu Quantu World Map
, pages 221–227
Museum studies
The Bibliometric Analysis Of Literature On Museum Studies
, pages 159–164
Embedding Knowledge in 3D Data Frameworks in Cultural Heritage
, pages 47–52
An Interactive Immersive Serious Game Application for Kunyu Quantu World Map
, pages 221–227
Data-driven systems and system-driven data: the story of the Flanders Heritage Inventory (1995-2015)
, pages 323–327
metadata enrichment
Cultural Heritage Content Re-Use: An Aggregators's Point of View
, pages 83–87
metadata quality
Cultural Heritage Content Re-Use: An Aggregators's Point of View
, pages 83–87
Cultural Heritage Content Re-Use: An Aggregators's Point of View
, pages 83–87
The bust of Francesco II Gonzaga: from digital documentation to 3D printing
, pages 9–15
mural painting
Methodology of high-resolution photography for mural condition database
, pages 105–110
Network platform
Design and Research of Service Platform for Protection and Dissemination of Cultural Heritage Resources of The Silk Road in the Territory of China
, pages 395–399
On-site digital heritage inventory development at Bat, Oman
, pages 145–152
Original State Calculated
The Application of 3D Laser Scanning in the Survey and Measuring of Guyue Bridge of Song Dynasty in Yiwu City
, pages 185–190
Orthoimages of the outer walls and towers of the château de Chambord
, pages 243–250
on-site cultural resource management
On-site digital heritage inventory development at Bat, Oman
, pages 145–152
The global rock art database: developing a rock art reference model for the RADB system using the CIDOC CRM and Australian heritage examples
, pages 89–96
open source
Data-driven systems and system-driven data: the story of the Flanders Heritage Inventory (1995-2015)
, pages 323–327
Remote sensing, landscape and archaeology tracing ancient tracks and roads between Palmyra and the Euphrates in Syria
, pages 279–285
Future Research Challenges for a Computer-Based Interpretative 3D Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage - A German Community's View
, pages 207–213
Out of the archaeologist's desk drawer: communicating archaeological data online
, pages 1–7
Comparison Of Laser Scanning And Photogrammetry And Their Use For Digital Recording Of Cultural Monument Case Study: Byzantine Land Walls-Istanbul
, pages 17–24
Digitally-Assisted Stone Carving of a Relief Sculpture for the Parliament Buildings National Historic Site of Canada
, pages 97–103
Documenting Modern Mexican Architectural Heritage for Posterity: Barragan’s Casa Cristo, in Guadalajara, Mexico
, pages 199–206
Documentation for emergency condition mapping of Decorated historic surfaces at the Caid Residence, the Kasbah of Taourirt (Ouarzazate, Morocco)
, pages 229–234
Integrated Digital Technologies for the Architectural Rehabilitation & Conservation of Beinn Bhreagh Hall & Surrounding Site, Nova Scotia, Canada
, pages 235–241
Benchmarking Range-Based and Image-Based Techniques for Digitizing a Glazed Earthenware Frieze
, pages 315–322
Methodology of high-resolution photography for mural condition database
, pages 105–110
Documenting the light sensitivity of Spanish Levantine rock art paintings
, pages 53–59
Documenting the light sensitivity of Spanish Levantine rock art paintings
, pages 53–59
Plant Growth; Old Summer Palace; Western Mansions; Relics Protection; heritage
The Application of Regulating Plant Growth into Protective Engineering of The Western Mansions Area in The Old Summer Palace
, pages 41–45
Point Cloud
Digitally-Assisted Stone Carving of a Relief Sculpture for the Parliament Buildings National Historic Site of Canada
, pages 97–103
Benchmarking Range-Based and Image-Based Techniques for Digitizing a Glazed Earthenware Frieze
, pages 315–322
Polygon Mesh
Digitally-Assisted Stone Carving of a Relief Sculpture for the Parliament Buildings National Historic Site of Canada
, pages 97–103
Post-disaster Rebuilding
Acquirement and Interpretation of Public Documentation of Cultural Heritage – WeChat & Post-disaster Rebuilding of Shangri-La Ancient City
, pages 409–414
The Application of 3D Laser Scanning in the Survey and Measuring of Guyue Bridge of Song Dynasty in Yiwu City
, pages 185–190
Semantically Documenting Virtual Reconstruction: Building a Path to Knowledge Provenance
, pages 33–40
Public Documentation
Acquirement and Interpretation of Public Documentation of Cultural Heritage – WeChat & Post-disaster Rebuilding of Shangri-La Ancient City
, pages 409–414
panoramic spherical photogrammetry
Documentation of some Cultural Heritage Emergencies in Syria In August 2010 by Spherical Photrammetry
, pages 401–408
The bust of Francesco II Gonzaga: from digital documentation to 3D printing
, pages 9–15
Embedding Knowledge in 3D Data Frameworks in Cultural Heritage
, pages 47–52
Finding the displacement of wood structure in heritage building by 3D laser scanner
, pages 165–169
protection motivation theory
Impact of learning content on World Heritage Site preservation awareness in town of Luang Prabang, Lao PDR: Application of Protection Motivation Theory
, pages 251–256
quality control
Data-driven systems and system-driven data: the story of the Flanders Heritage Inventory (1995-2015)
, pages 323–327
Reasoning Process
Semantically Documenting Virtual Reconstruction: Building a Path to Knowledge Provenance
, pages 33–40
Reconstruction Process
Semantically Documenting Virtual Reconstruction: Building a Path to Knowledge Provenance
, pages 33–40
Documenting Modern Mexican Architectural Heritage for Posterity: Barragan’s Casa Cristo, in Guadalajara, Mexico
, pages 199–206
Documentation for emergency condition mapping of Decorated historic surfaces at the Caid Residence, the Kasbah of Taourirt (Ouarzazate, Morocco)
, pages 229–234
Integrated Digital Technologies for the Architectural Rehabilitation & Conservation of Beinn Bhreagh Hall & Surrounding Site, Nova Scotia, Canada
, pages 235–241
Rectified Photography
Documenting Modern Mexican Architectural Heritage for Posterity: Barragan’s Casa Cristo, in Guadalajara, Mexico
, pages 199–206
Remote Sensing
Remote sensing, landscape and archaeology tracing ancient tracks and roads between Palmyra and the Euphrates in Syria
, pages 279–285
The possible use of ancient tower tombs as watchtowers in Syro-Mesopotamia
, pages 287–293
Conservation of cultural heritage in minority ethnic regions in northwestern china—an exploration at Kuqa, Xinjiang
, pages 343–349
Research agenda
Future Research Challenges for a Computer-Based Interpretative 3D Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage - A German Community's View
, pages 207–213
Topography Restoration of Historic City Research
, pages 301–305
relics;activation of relics;protection of relics;the Old Summer Palace; culture; tourism
Discussion of impact of relics activation on protection and utilization approaches-take the old summer palace as an example
, pages 351–356
remote sensing monitoring
A Study about the 3S-based Great Ruins Monitoring and Early-warning System
, pages 357–361
Digitisation of Scenic and Historic Interest Areas in China
, pages 363–369
risk management
Conservation plan based on the concept of integrity
, pages 377–382
rock art
The global rock art database: developing a rock art reference model for the RADB system using the CIDOC CRM and Australian heritage examples
, pages 89–96
rock-hewn church
Methodology of high-resolution photography for mural condition database
, pages 105–110
Sabi Capital City
Topography Restoration of Historic City Research
, pages 301–305
Scenic Area
Digitisation of Scenic and Historic Interest Areas in China
, pages 363–369
School Curriculums
Pass the Flame: Tentative Programs of Cultural Heritage Education Among Teenagers in Yuanmingyuan Site
, pages 215–220
Selective modelling
5D Modelling: An Efficient Approach for Creating Spatiotemporal Predictive 3D Maps of Large-Scale Cultural Resources
, pages 61–68
Semantic Mapping
CASTLE3D - A Computer Aided System for Labelling Archaeological Excavations in 3D
, pages 111–118
Serious Game
An Interactive Immersive Serious Game Application for Kunyu Quantu World Map
, pages 221–227
Service design
Design and Research of Service Platform for Protection and Dissemination of Cultural Heritage Resources of The Silk Road in the Territory of China
, pages 395–399
Crowdsourcing Lost Cultural Heritage
, pages 295–300
Shangri-La Ancient City
Acquirement and Interpretation of Public Documentation of Cultural Heritage – WeChat & Post-disaster Rebuilding of Shangri-La Ancient City
, pages 409–414
Shenkeng Historic Cultural District
Study on Spatial Cultural Heritage Integrated into the Core Curriculum
, pages 125–130
Silk Road
Design and Research of Service Platform for Protection and Dissemination of Cultural Heritage Resources of The Silk Road in the Territory of China
, pages 395–399
Site Features
Digital restoration research and three-dimensional model construction on Xieqiqu
, pages 75–81
Slender West Lake
Digitisation of Scenic and Historic Interest Areas in China
, pages 363–369
Smart heritage
Innovative and applied research on big data platforms of smart heritage
, pages 257–261
Spanish Levantine Rock art
Documenting the light sensitivity of Spanish Levantine rock art paintings
, pages 53–59
Spatial Analysis
Recovering prehistoric woodworking skills using spatial analysis techniques
, pages 153–158
Spatial Cultural Heritage
Study on Spatial Cultural Heritage Integrated into the Core Curriculum
, pages 125–130
Spatial Information
The possible use of ancient tower tombs as watchtowers in Syro-Mesopotamia
, pages 287–293
Spatio-Temporal Database
Kabbalah: On Spatio-Temporal Database Visualization With Historical Events: A Case Study of History Flow of Chia-Yi Beimen Station
, pages 119–123
State Borders
Boundaries and Boundary Marks - Substantive Cultural Heritage of Extensive Importance
, pages 329–334
Stone Carving
Digitally-Assisted Stone Carving of a Relief Sculpture for the Parliament Buildings National Historic Site of Canada
, pages 97–103
Structure of heritage building
A Contribution to the Built Heritage Environmental Impact Assessment
, pages 389–394
Summer Camp
Pass the Flame: Tentative Programs of Cultural Heritage Education Among Teenagers in Yuanmingyuan Site
, pages 215–220
Future Research Challenges for a Computer-Based Interpretative 3D Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage - A German Community's View
, pages 207–213
Documentation and Cultural Heritage Inventories - Case of the Historic City of Ahmadabad
, pages 271–278
Remote sensing, landscape and archaeology tracing ancient tracks and roads between Palmyra and the Euphrates in Syria
, pages 279–285
Remote sensing, landscape and archaeology tracing ancient tracks and roads between Palmyra and the Euphrates in Syria
, pages 279–285
Syrian Cultural Heritage
Documentation of some Cultural Heritage Emergencies in Syria In August 2010 by Spherical Photrammetry
, pages 401–408
space segmentation
Point clouds segmentation as base for as-built BIM creation
, pages 191–197
statues digitalization
The bust of Francesco II Gonzaga: from digital documentation to 3D printing
, pages 9–15
stereoscopic cartographic satellite
A Study about the 3S-based Great Ruins Monitoring and Early-warning System
, pages 357–361
structural displacement
Finding the displacement of wood structure in heritage building by 3D laser scanner
, pages 165–169
Disaster Risk Management and Measurement Indicators for Cultural Heritage in Taiwan
, pages 383–388
Tangible Cultural Heritage UNESCO
Boundaries and Boundary Marks - Substantive Cultural Heritage of Extensive Importance
, pages 329–334
Tangyin Town
The Construction Features of Traditional Settlements in the Middle Area of Jiangxi Province Basing on the Analysis of Tangyin Town
, pages 69–73
Pass the Flame: Tentative Programs of Cultural Heritage Education Among Teenagers in Yuanmingyuan Site
, pages 215–220
Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Comparison Of Laser Scanning And Photogrammetry And Their Use For Digital Recording Of Cultural Monument Case Study: Byzantine Land Walls-Istanbul
, pages 17–24
The possible use of ancient tower tombs as watchtowers in Syro-Mesopotamia
, pages 287–293
Traditional Settlement
The Construction Features of Traditional Settlements in the Middle Area of Jiangxi Province Basing on the Analysis of Tangyin Town
, pages 69–73
Tungnan University
Study on Spatial Cultural Heritage Integrated into the Core Curriculum
, pages 125–130
the Old Summer Palace Ruins
Construction of China’s “Large Ruins” Monitoring System Based on the Comparative Analysis of World Cultural Heritage Monitoring - An Example of the European - style Palace of the Old Summer Palace
, pages 171–176
the World Cultural Heritage
Construction of China’s “Large Ruins” Monitoring System Based on the Comparative Analysis of World Cultural Heritage Monitoring - An Example of the European - style Palace of the Old Summer Palace
, pages 171–176
transdisciplinary research
On-site digital heritage inventory development at Bat, Oman
, pages 145–152
triangulation range sensors
The bust of Francesco II Gonzaga: from digital documentation to 3D printing
, pages 9–15
Integrated Digital Technologies for the Architectural Rehabilitation & Conservation of Beinn Bhreagh Hall & Surrounding Site, Nova Scotia, Canada
, pages 235–241
Unwrapped image
Orthoimages of the outer walls and towers of the château de Chambord
, pages 243–250
Urban Fabric
Conservation of cultural heritage in minority ethnic regions in northwestern china—an exploration at Kuqa, Xinjiang
, pages 343–349
urban history
Linking buildings, archives and museums of the 19th century Turin's Cultural Heritage
, pages 307–314
On-site digital heritage inventory development at Bat, Oman
, pages 145–152
Virtual 3D reconstruction
Future Research Challenges for a Computer-Based Interpretative 3D Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage - A German Community's View
, pages 207–213
Virtual Reality
Digitalized preservation and presentation of historical building – taking traditional temples and dougong as examples
, pages 371–376
Virtual Reconstruction
Semantically Documenting Virtual Reconstruction: Building a Path to Knowledge Provenance
, pages 33–40
Promoting the Effect of the Qing Dynasty Imperial Garden Architectural Component Library on the Digitalization of Cultural Heritage
, pages 131–136
Acquirement and Interpretation of Public Documentation of Cultural Heritage – WeChat & Post-disaster Rebuilding of Shangri-La Ancient City
, pages 409–414
Out of the archaeologist's desk drawer: communicating archaeological data online
, pages 1–7
Woodworking Efficiency
Recovering prehistoric woodworking skills using spatial analysis techniques
, pages 153–158
Woodworking Techniques
Recovering prehistoric woodworking skills using spatial analysis techniques
, pages 153–158
World Heritage
Boundaries and Boundary Marks - Substantive Cultural Heritage of Extensive Importance
, pages 329–334
World Heritage Sites
The possible use of ancient tower tombs as watchtowers in Syro-Mesopotamia
, pages 287–293
Documentation of some Cultural Heritage Emergencies in Syria In August 2010 by Spherical Photrammetry
, pages 401–408
wood construction
Finding the displacement of wood structure in heritage building by 3D laser scanner
, pages 165–169
world heritage site
Impact of learning content on World Heritage Site preservation awareness in town of Luang Prabang, Lao PDR: Application of Protection Motivation Theory
, pages 251–256
Xieqiqu (Harmonious Wonder)
Digital restoration research and three-dimensional model construction on Xieqiqu
, pages 75–81
Promoting the Effect of the Qing Dynasty Imperial Garden Architectural Component Library on the Digitalization of Cultural Heritage
, pages 131–136
Cultural Heritage Content Re-Use: An Aggregators's Point of View
, pages 83–87
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