February 18, 2025
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Volume II-5, 2014 – Keyword index
Volume II-5
Volume II-5
Volume II-5, 2014 – Keyword index
Robust surface matching by integrating edge segments
, pages 203–210
Geoarchaeological site documentation and analysis of 3D data derived by terrestrial laser scanning
, pages 173–179
3D Laser Scanning
Integration Of Three Dimensional Data From Unkown Origin On the Example Of A Traditional Residential Building In Al-Balad, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
, pages 161–165
3D Modelling
The city model as a tool for participatory urban planning – a case study: The Bilotti open air museum of Cosenza
, pages 25–32
3D and 2.5D Modeling
2.5D/3D Models for the enhancement of architectural-urban heritage. An Virtual Tour of design of the Fascist headquarters in Littoria
, pages 189–196
3D laser scanning
Integration of image and range-based techniques for surveying complex architectures
, pages 305–312
3D model
Photogrammetric Archaeological Survey with UAV
, pages 251–258
3D modelling
Recovering a collapsed medieval fresco by using 3D modeling techniques
, pages 105–112
Photogrammetric Applications of Immersive Video Cameras
, pages 211–218
Survey turned into HBIM: the restoration and the work involved concerning the Basilica di Collemaggio after the earthquake (L'Aquila)
, pages 267–273
3D models
Fusion of 3D models derived from TLS and image-based techniques for CH enhanced documentation
, pages 73–80
3D modelling of trompe l'oeil decorated vaults using dense matching techniques
, pages 97–104
3D point clouds
Can 3D Point Clouds Replace GCPs?
, pages 347–354
Jeddah Historical Building Information Modelling "JHBIM" – Object Library
, pages 41–47
A LiDAR application for the study of taxiway surface evenness and slope
, pages 65–72
Photogrammetric determination of discrepancies between actual and planned position of dental implants
, pages 131–138
Self-calibration of terrestrial laser scanners: selection of the best geometric additional parameters
, pages 219–226
Effect of Lossy JPEG Compression of an Image with Chromatic Aberrations on Target Measurement Accuracy
, pages 235–242
Reassembling 3D Thin Fragments of Unknown Geometry in Cultural Heritage
, pages 393–399
UAV archaeological reconstruction: The study case of Chamartin Hillfort (Avila, Spain)
, pages 259–265
Landslide monitoring by fixed-base terrestrial stereo-photogrammetry
, pages 297–304
Geoarchaeological site documentation and analysis of 3D data derived by terrestrial laser scanning
, pages 173–179
UAV archaeological reconstruction: The study case of Chamartin Hillfort (Avila, Spain)
, pages 259–265
Reassembling 3D Thin Fragments of Unknown Geometry in Cultural Heritage
, pages 393–399
Augmented Reality
The city model as a tool for participatory urban planning – a case study: The Bilotti open air museum of Cosenza
, pages 25–32
Automated Photogrammetry
Image pre-processing for optimizing automated photogrammetry performances
, pages 145–152
Automatic road sign detecion and classification based on support vector machines and HOG descriptos
, pages 1–7
True-orthophoto generation from UAV images: Implementation of a combined photogrammetric and computer vision approach
, pages 57–63
Skyline matching based camera orientation from images and mobile mapping point clouds
, pages 181–188
Landslide monitoring by fixed-base terrestrial stereo-photogrammetry
, pages 297–304
archaeological site
Photogrammetric Archaeological Survey with UAV
, pages 251–258
3D modelling of trompe l'oeil decorated vaults using dense matching techniques
, pages 97–104
Building information modelling
Establishing an Appropriate Level of Detail (LoD) for a Building Information Model (BIM) – West Block, Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Canada
, pages 123–130
Built heritage
Survey turned into HBIM: the restoration and the work involved concerning the Basilica di Collemaggio after the earthquake (L'Aquila)
, pages 267–273
Bundle adjustment
Camera Calibration using the Damped Bundle Adjustment Toolbox
, pages 89–96
A line-based approach for precise extraction of road and curb region from mobile mapping data
, pages 243–250
breakwater modeling
Terrestrial laser scanning for geometry extraction and change monitoring of rubble mound breakwaters
, pages 289–295
Self-calibration of terrestrial laser scanners: selection of the best geometric additional parameters
, pages 219–226
Skyline matching based camera orientation from images and mobile mapping point clouds
, pages 181–188
Camera Calibration
Automated Target-Free Network Orienation and Camera Calibration
, pages 339–346
Camera calibration
Camera Calibration using the Damped Bundle Adjustment Toolbox
, pages 89–96
2.5D/3D Models for the enhancement of architectural-urban heritage. An Virtual Tour of design of the Fascist headquarters in Littoria
, pages 189–196
Geometric road runoff estimation from laser mobile mapping data
, pages 385–391
Change detection
Detection of harvested trees in forests from repeated high density airborne laser scanning
, pages 275–280
City Model
The city model as a tool for participatory urban planning – a case study: The Bilotti open air museum of Cosenza
, pages 25–32
Automatic road sign detecion and classification based on support vector machines and HOG descriptos
, pages 1–7
Close Range
Camera Calibration using the Damped Bundle Adjustment Toolbox
, pages 89–96
Close Range Photogrammetry
A new approach towards image based virtual 3D city modeling by using close range photogrammetry
, pages 329–337
Close range
Photogrammetric determination of discrepancies between actual and planned position of dental implants
, pages 131–138
Close-range Photogrammetry
Can 3D Point Clouds Replace GCPs?
, pages 347–354
Effect of Lossy JPEG Compression of an Image with Chromatic Aberrations on Target Measurement Accuracy
, pages 235–242
Automatic road sign detecion and classification based on support vector machines and HOG descriptos
, pages 1–7
Effect of Lossy JPEG Compression of an Image with Chromatic Aberrations on Target Measurement Accuracy
, pages 235–242
UAV archaeological reconstruction: The study case of Chamartin Hillfort (Avila, Spain)
, pages 259–265
Computer Vision
UAV platforms for cultural heritage survey: first results
, pages 227–234
Camera Calibration using the Damped Bundle Adjustment Toolbox
, pages 89–96
Cultural Heritage
The city model as a tool for participatory urban planning – a case study: The Bilotti open air museum of Cosenza
, pages 25–32
The documentation and reintegration of a lost past
, pages 49–55
Fusion of 3D models derived from TLS and image-based techniques for CH enhanced documentation
, pages 73–80
Towards A Knowledge Model Bridging Technologies And Applications In Cultural Heritage Documentation
, pages 81–88
3D modelling of trompe l'oeil decorated vaults using dense matching techniques
, pages 97–104
Image pre-processing for optimizing automated photogrammetry performances
, pages 145–152
UAV platforms for cultural heritage survey: first results
, pages 227–234
Can 3D Point Clouds Replace GCPs?
, pages 347–354
Reassembling 3D Thin Fragments of Unknown Geometry in Cultural Heritage
, pages 393–399
change detection
Terrestrial laser scanning for geometry extraction and change monitoring of rubble mound breakwaters
, pages 289–295
cliff, point cloud
Reconstructing 3D coastal cliffs from airborne oblique photographs without ground control points
, pages 113–116
cultural heritage
Photogrammetric Applications of Immersive Video Cameras
, pages 211–218
A line-based approach for precise extraction of road and curb region from mobile mapping data
, pages 243–250
D8 algorithm
Geometric road runoff estimation from laser mobile mapping data
, pages 385–391
DEM compression
Lossless data compression of grid-based digital elevation models: A png image format evaluation
, pages 313–319
A LiDAR application for the study of taxiway surface evenness and slope
, pages 65–72
UAV archaeological reconstruction: The study case of Chamartin Hillfort (Avila, Spain)
, pages 259–265
UAV platforms for cultural heritage survey: first results
, pages 227–234
Dark materials
Image pre-processing for optimizing automated photogrammetry performances
, pages 145–152
Data comparison
Integration of image and range-based techniques for surveying complex architectures
, pages 305–312
Data integration
Integration of image and range-based techniques for surveying complex architectures
, pages 305–312
Automatic road sign detecion and classification based on support vector machines and HOG descriptos
, pages 1–7
Automatic Label Completion for Test Field Calibration
, pages 167–172
Effect of Lossy JPEG Compression of an Image with Chromatic Aberrations on Target Measurement Accuracy
, pages 235–242
Towards A Knowledge Model Bridging Technologies And Applications In Cultural Heritage Documentation
, pages 81–88
data merging
Integration Of Three Dimensional Data From Unkown Origin On the Example Of A Traditional Residential Building In Al-Balad, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
, pages 161–165
dense stereo
On the evaluation of photogrammetric methods for dense 3D surface reconstruction in a metrological context
, pages 371–378
digital elevation models
How to decide which oblique image has the highest mapping potential for monoplotting method: a case studies on river erosion and floods
, pages 379–384
digital photogrammetry
3D modelling of trompe l'oeil decorated vaults using dense matching techniques
, pages 97–104
dimension measurement
Augmented reality system using lidar point cloud data for displaying dimensional information of objects on mobile phones
, pages 153–159
Geoarchaeological site documentation and analysis of 3D data derived by terrestrial laser scanning
, pages 173–179
Robust surface matching by integrating edge segments
, pages 203–210
Virtual Reality: Developing a VR space for Academic activities
, pages 197–201
Error Modelling
Error analysis of motion correction method for laser scanning of moving objects
, pages 139–144
A LiDAR application for the study of taxiway surface evenness and slope
, pages 65–72
Effect of Lossy JPEG Compression of an Image with Chromatic Aberrations on Target Measurement Accuracy
, pages 235–242
A LiDAR application for the study of taxiway surface evenness and slope
, pages 65–72
Feature-based Matching
Automated Target-Free Network Orienation and Camera Calibration
, pages 339–346
Focal length
Camera Calibration using the Damped Bundle Adjustment Toolbox
, pages 89–96
Forest Inventory
Automatic reconstruction of skeletal structures from TLS forest scenes
, pages 321–328
Detection of harvested trees in forests from repeated high density airborne laser scanning
, pages 275–280
Reassembling 3D Thin Fragments of Unknown Geometry in Cultural Heritage
, pages 393–399
feature matching
Augmented reality system using lidar point cloud data for displaying dimensional information of objects on mobile phones
, pages 153–159
3D modelling of trompe l'oeil decorated vaults using dense matching techniques
, pages 97–104
Reconstructing 3D coastal cliffs from airborne oblique photographs without ground control points
, pages 113–116
GPS/INS Integration
Error analysis of motion correction method for laser scanning of moving objects
, pages 139–144
Geomatics techniques
A new approach towards image based virtual 3D city modeling by using close range photogrammetry
, pages 329–337
Self-calibration of terrestrial laser scanners: selection of the best geometric additional parameters
, pages 219–226
Geometric Camera Calibration
Automatic Label Completion for Test Field Calibration
, pages 167–172
Gothic Revival architecture
Establishing an Appropriate Level of Detail (LoD) for a Building Information Model (BIM) – West Block, Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Canada
, pages 123–130
Geoarchaeological site documentation and analysis of 3D data derived by terrestrial laser scanning
, pages 173–179
Reconstructing 3D coastal cliffs from airborne oblique photographs without ground control points
, pages 113–116
ground control point
Reconstructing 3D coastal cliffs from airborne oblique photographs without ground control points
, pages 113–116
Survey turned into HBIM: the restoration and the work involved concerning the Basilica di Collemaggio after the earthquake (L'Aquila)
, pages 267–273
Image pre-processing for optimizing automated photogrammetry performances
, pages 145–152
Jeddah Historical Building Information Modelling "JHBIM" – Object Library
, pages 41–47
Visibility analysis of point cloud in close range photogrammetry
, pages 9–16
Landslide monitoring by fixed-base terrestrial stereo-photogrammetry
, pages 297–304
Hough transform
Automatic drawing for traffic marking with MMS LIDAR intensity
, pages 363–370
ICT and Cultural Heritage
2.5D/3D Models for the enhancement of architectural-urban heritage. An Virtual Tour of design of the Fascist headquarters in Littoria
, pages 189–196
The documentation and reintegration of a lost past
, pages 49–55
UAV archaeological reconstruction: The study case of Chamartin Hillfort (Avila, Spain)
, pages 259–265
Image Matching
Image pre-processing for optimizing automated photogrammetry performances
, pages 145–152
Image Processing
Automatic Label Completion for Test Field Calibration
, pages 167–172
Image matching
3D modelling of trompe l'oeil decorated vaults using dense matching techniques
, pages 97–104
Image processing
Lossless data compression of grid-based digital elevation models: A png image format evaluation
, pages 313–319
Indoor Reconstruction
Towards automatic indoor reconstruction of cluttered building rooms from point clouds
, pages 281–288
Initial values
Camera Calibration using the Damped Bundle Adjustment Toolbox
, pages 89–96
Automatic drawing for traffic marking with MMS LIDAR intensity
, pages 363–370
Internal Calibration
Recovering a collapsed medieval fresco by using 3D modeling techniques
, pages 105–112
image matching
Fusion of 3D models derived from TLS and image-based techniques for CH enhanced documentation
, pages 73–80
image-based modeling performances
Image pre-processing for optimizing automated photogrammetry performances
, pages 145–152
immersive video
Photogrammetric Applications of Immersive Video Cameras
, pages 211–218
intensity image
Augmented reality system using lidar point cloud data for displaying dimensional information of objects on mobile phones
, pages 153–159
interactive orientation of images
How to decide which oblique image has the highest mapping potential for monoplotting method: a case studies on river erosion and floods
, pages 379–384
Survey turned into HBIM: the restoration and the work involved concerning the Basilica di Collemaggio after the earthquake (L'Aquila)
, pages 267–273
inverse texture map projection
Inheriting texture maps between different complexity 3D meshes
, pages 355–361
Jeddah Historical Building Information Modelling "JHBIM" – Object Library
, pages 41–47
Knowledge Base
Towards A Knowledge Model Bridging Technologies And Applications In Cultural Heritage Documentation
, pages 81–88
Recovering a collapsed medieval fresco by using 3D modeling techniques
, pages 105–112
Self-calibration of terrestrial laser scanners: selection of the best geometric additional parameters
, pages 219–226
Detection of harvested trees in forests from repeated high density airborne laser scanning
, pages 275–280
Automatic drawing for traffic marking with MMS LIDAR intensity
, pages 363–370
Landslide monitoring by fixed-base terrestrial stereo-photogrammetry
, pages 297–304
Laser Scanning
Error analysis of motion correction method for laser scanning of moving objects
, pages 139–144
Self-calibration of terrestrial laser scanners: selection of the best geometric additional parameters
, pages 219–226
Laser scanning
The city model as a tool for participatory urban planning – a case study: The Bilotti open air museum of Cosenza
, pages 25–32
The documentation and reintegration of a lost past
, pages 49–55
Skyline matching based camera orientation from images and mobile mapping point clouds
, pages 181–188
Detection of harvested trees in forests from repeated high density airborne laser scanning
, pages 275–280
Towards automatic indoor reconstruction of cluttered building rooms from point clouds
, pages 281–288
Automatic road sign detecion and classification based on support vector machines and HOG descriptos
, pages 1–7
Augmented reality system using lidar point cloud data for displaying dimensional information of objects on mobile phones
, pages 153–159
Terrestrial laser scanning for geometry extraction and change monitoring of rubble mound breakwaters
, pages 289–295
Line segment
Robust surface matching by integrating edge segments
, pages 203–210
laser scanner
Survey turned into HBIM: the restoration and the work involved concerning the Basilica di Collemaggio after the earthquake (L'Aquila)
, pages 267–273
laser scanners
On the evaluation of photogrammetric methods for dense 3D surface reconstruction in a metrological context
, pages 371–378
level of detail
Establishing an Appropriate Level of Detail (LoD) for a Building Information Model (BIM) – West Block, Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Canada
, pages 123–130
How to decide which oblique image has the highest mapping potential for monoplotting method: a case studies on river erosion and floods
, pages 379–384
line tracing
Visibility analysis of point cloud in close range photogrammetry
, pages 9–16
A line-based approach for precise extraction of road and curb region from mobile mapping data
, pages 243–250
Automatic drawing for traffic marking with MMS LIDAR intensity
, pages 363–370
Automatic drawing for traffic marking with MMS LIDAR intensity
, pages 363–370
True-orthophoto generation from UAV images: Implementation of a combined photogrammetric and computer vision approach
, pages 57–63
Skyline matching based camera orientation from images and mobile mapping point clouds
, pages 181–188
Reassembling 3D Thin Fragments of Unknown Geometry in Cultural Heritage
, pages 393–399
Towards A Knowledge Model Bridging Technologies And Applications In Cultural Heritage Documentation
, pages 81–88
Photogrammetric determination of discrepancies between actual and planned position of dental implants
, pages 131–138
Effect of Lossy JPEG Compression of an Image with Chromatic Aberrations on Target Measurement Accuracy
, pages 235–242
Median filter
Automatic drawing for traffic marking with MMS LIDAR intensity
, pages 363–370
Photogrammetric determination of discrepancies between actual and planned position of dental implants
, pages 131–138
On the evaluation of photogrammetric methods for dense 3D surface reconstruction in a metrological context
, pages 371–378
Photogrammetric Archaeological Survey with UAV
, pages 251–258
Mobile Laser Scanning
Geometric road runoff estimation from laser mobile mapping data
, pages 385–391
Mobile Mapping
Skyline matching based camera orientation from images and mobile mapping point clouds
, pages 181–188
Mobile augmented reality
Augmented reality system using lidar point cloud data for displaying dimensional information of objects on mobile phones
, pages 153–159
Detection of harvested trees in forests from repeated high density airborne laser scanning
, pages 275–280
Landslide monitoring by fixed-base terrestrial stereo-photogrammetry
, pages 297–304
How to decide which oblique image has the highest mapping potential for monoplotting method: a case studies on river erosion and floods
, pages 379–384
Motion Correction
Error analysis of motion correction method for laser scanning of moving objects
, pages 139–144
The city model as a tool for participatory urban planning – a case study: The Bilotti open air museum of Cosenza
, pages 25–32
Web-based Visualization and Query of semantically segmented multiresolution 3D Models in the Field of Cultural Heritage
, pages 33–39
Survey turned into HBIM: the restoration and the work involved concerning the Basilica di Collemaggio after the earthquake (L'Aquila)
, pages 267–273
mobile mapping system, calibration
Photogrammetric Applications of Immersive Video Cameras
, pages 211–218
model fusion
Fusion of 3D models derived from TLS and image-based techniques for CH enhanced documentation
, pages 73–80
Reconstructing 3D coastal cliffs from airborne oblique photographs without ground control points
, pages 113–116
Jeddah Historical Building Information Modelling "JHBIM" – Object Library
, pages 41–47
Oblique airborne photos
Reconstructing 3D coastal cliffs from airborne oblique photographs without ground control points
, pages 113–116
Old images
Recovering a collapsed medieval fresco by using 3D modeling techniques
, pages 105–112
Towards A Knowledge Model Bridging Technologies And Applications In Cultural Heritage Documentation
, pages 81–88
UAV platforms for cultural heritage survey: first results
, pages 227–234
Can 3D Point Clouds Replace GCPs?
, pages 347–354
oblique images
How to decide which oblique image has the highest mapping potential for monoplotting method: a case studies on river erosion and floods
, pages 379–384
optical quality
Assessing UAV platform types and optical sensor specifications
, pages 17–24
Photogrammetric Archaeological Survey with UAV
, pages 251–258
PNG (Portable Networks Graphics)
Lossless data compression of grid-based digital elevation models: A png image format evaluation
, pages 313–319
Panorama Photogrammetry
2.5D/3D Models for the enhancement of architectural-urban heritage. An Virtual Tour of design of the Fascist headquarters in Littoria
, pages 189–196
Virtual Reality: Developing a VR space for Academic activities
, pages 197–201
Panoramic photogrammetry
Photogrammetric Applications of Immersive Video Cameras
, pages 211–218
Parallax estimation
Robust surface matching by integrating edge segments
, pages 203–210
Photogrammetric determination of discrepancies between actual and planned position of dental implants
, pages 131–138
UAV platforms for cultural heritage survey: first results
, pages 227–234
UAV archaeological reconstruction: The study case of Chamartin Hillfort (Avila, Spain)
, pages 259–265
Landslide monitoring by fixed-base terrestrial stereo-photogrammetry
, pages 297–304
Reassembling 3D Thin Fragments of Unknown Geometry in Cultural Heritage
, pages 393–399
Point Cloud Data
Geometric road runoff estimation from laser mobile mapping data
, pages 385–391
Point Cloud Processing
Automatic reconstruction of skeletal structures from TLS forest scenes
, pages 321–328
Point cloud
Skyline matching based camera orientation from images and mobile mapping point clouds
, pages 181–188
Towards automatic indoor reconstruction of cluttered building rooms from point clouds
, pages 281–288
Polarizing filter
Image pre-processing for optimizing automated photogrammetry performances
, pages 145–152
Photogrammetric Applications of Immersive Video Cameras
, pages 211–218
parametric modelling
Establishing an Appropriate Level of Detail (LoD) for a Building Information Model (BIM) – West Block, Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Canada
, pages 123–130
Photogrammetric Archaeological Survey with UAV
, pages 251–258
Integration of image and range-based techniques for surveying complex architectures
, pages 305–312
On the evaluation of photogrammetric methods for dense 3D surface reconstruction in a metrological context
, pages 371–378
planar structure
A line-based approach for precise extraction of road and curb region from mobile mapping data
, pages 243–250
platform comparison
Assessing UAV platform types and optical sensor specifications
, pages 17–24
point cloud
Visibility analysis of point cloud in close range photogrammetry
, pages 9–16
A line-based approach for precise extraction of road and curb region from mobile mapping data
, pages 243–250
Terrestrial laser scanning for geometry extraction and change monitoring of rubble mound breakwaters
, pages 289–295
Fusion of 3D models derived from TLS and image-based techniques for CH enhanced documentation
, pages 73–80
Reassembling 3D Thin Fragments of Unknown Geometry in Cultural Heritage
, pages 393–399
Robust surface matching by integrating edge segments
, pages 203–210
UAV archaeological reconstruction: The study case of Chamartin Hillfort (Avila, Spain)
, pages 259–265
Skyline matching based camera orientation from images and mobile mapping point clouds
, pages 181–188
Relative Orientation
Automated Target-Free Network Orienation and Camera Calibration
, pages 339–346
The documentation and reintegration of a lost past
, pages 49–55
Recovering a collapsed medieval fresco by using 3D modeling techniques
, pages 105–112
Road Engineering
Geometric road runoff estimation from laser mobile mapping data
, pages 385–391
Road runoff
Geometric road runoff estimation from laser mobile mapping data
, pages 385–391
region growing
A line-based approach for precise extraction of road and curb region from mobile mapping data
, pages 243–250
Augmented reality system using lidar point cloud data for displaying dimensional information of objects on mobile phones
, pages 153–159
Image pre-processing for optimizing automated photogrammetry performances
, pages 145–152
Saudi Arabia
Integration Of Three Dimensional Data From Unkown Origin On the Example Of A Traditional Residential Building In Al-Balad, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
, pages 161–165
Web-based Visualization and Query of semantically segmented multiresolution 3D Models in the Field of Cultural Heritage
, pages 33–39
Detection of harvested trees in forests from repeated high density airborne laser scanning
, pages 275–280
Towards automatic indoor reconstruction of cluttered building rooms from point clouds
, pages 281–288
Shiny materials
Image pre-processing for optimizing automated photogrammetry performances
, pages 145–152
Photogrammetric determination of discrepancies between actual and planned position of dental implants
, pages 131–138
Single image resection
Can 3D Point Clouds Replace GCPs?
, pages 347–354
Skeleton Extraction
Automatic reconstruction of skeletal structures from TLS forest scenes
, pages 321–328
Spatial Infrastructures
Web-based Visualization and Query of semantically segmented multiresolution 3D Models in the Field of Cultural Heritage
, pages 33–39
Structure from Motion
A new approach towards image based virtual 3D city modeling by using close range photogrammetry
, pages 329–337
Reconstructing 3D coastal cliffs from airborne oblique photographs without ground control points
, pages 113–116
A LiDAR application for the study of taxiway surface evenness and slope
, pages 65–72
Surface matching
Robust surface matching by integrating edge segments
, pages 203–210
A LiDAR application for the study of taxiway surface evenness and slope
, pages 65–72
Terrestrial laser scanning for geometry extraction and change monitoring of rubble mound breakwaters
, pages 289–295
Photogrammetric Archaeological Survey with UAV
, pages 251–258
Jeddah Historical Building Information Modelling "JHBIM" – Object Library
, pages 41–47
A LiDAR application for the study of taxiway surface evenness and slope
, pages 65–72
Fusion of 3D models derived from TLS and image-based techniques for CH enhanced documentation
, pages 73–80
3D modelling of trompe l'oeil decorated vaults using dense matching techniques
, pages 97–104
Effect of Lossy JPEG Compression of an Image with Chromatic Aberrations on Target Measurement Accuracy
, pages 235–242
Target-Free Network Orientation
Automated Target-Free Network Orienation and Camera Calibration
, pages 339–346
Targets Identification Automation
Automatic Label Completion for Test Field Calibration
, pages 167–172
Terrain modelling
Lossless data compression of grid-based digital elevation models: A png image format evaluation
, pages 313–319
Self-calibration of terrestrial laser scanners: selection of the best geometric additional parameters
, pages 219–226
Landslide monitoring by fixed-base terrestrial stereo-photogrammetry
, pages 297–304
Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Automatic reconstruction of skeletal structures from TLS forest scenes
, pages 321–328
Texture transfer
Inheriting texture maps between different complexity 3D meshes
, pages 355–361
Web-based Visualization and Query of semantically segmented multiresolution 3D Models in the Field of Cultural Heritage
, pages 33–39
The documentation and reintegration of a lost past
, pages 49–55
Tone mapping
Image pre-processing for optimizing automated photogrammetry performances
, pages 145–152
Traffic marking
Automatic drawing for traffic marking with MMS LIDAR intensity
, pages 363–370
Reassembling 3D Thin Fragments of Unknown Geometry in Cultural Heritage
, pages 393–399
True-orthophoto generation from UAV images: Implementation of a combined photogrammetric and computer vision approach
, pages 57–63
terrestrial laser scanning
Geoarchaeological site documentation and analysis of 3D data derived by terrestrial laser scanning
, pages 173–179
texture registration
Inheriting texture maps between different complexity 3D meshes
, pages 355–361
True-orthophoto generation from UAV images: Implementation of a combined photogrammetric and computer vision approach
, pages 57–63
Survey turned into HBIM: the restoration and the work involved concerning the Basilica di Collemaggio after the earthquake (L'Aquila)
, pages 267–273
UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles)
Photogrammetric Archaeological Survey with UAV
, pages 251–258
UAV photogrammetry
Assessing UAV platform types and optical sensor specifications
, pages 17–24
UAV platforms for cultural heritage survey: first results
, pages 227–234
uneven distribution density
A line-based approach for precise extraction of road and curb region from mobile mapping data
, pages 243–250
Virtual 3D city model
A new approach towards image based virtual 3D city modeling by using close range photogrammetry
, pages 329–337
Virtual Reality
Web-based Visualization and Query of semantically segmented multiresolution 3D Models in the Field of Cultural Heritage
, pages 33–39
Virtual Tour
2.5D/3D Models for the enhancement of architectural-urban heritage. An Virtual Tour of design of the Fascist headquarters in Littoria
, pages 189–196
Virtual reality
Virtual Reality: Developing a VR space for Academic activities
, pages 197–201
Visibility analysis of point cloud in close range photogrammetry
, pages 9–16
Automatic road sign detecion and classification based on support vector machines and HOG descriptos
, pages 1–7
UAV archaeological reconstruction: The study case of Chamartin Hillfort (Avila, Spain)
, pages 259–265
Visual SFM
Reconstructing 3D coastal cliffs from airborne oblique photographs without ground control points
, pages 113–116
Web-based Visualization and Query of semantically segmented multiresolution 3D Models in the Field of Cultural Heritage
, pages 33–39
Visibility analysis of point cloud in close range photogrammetry
, pages 9–16
z buffering
Visibility analysis of point cloud in close range photogrammetry
, pages 9–16
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