D. N. Pantazis,V. C. Moussas,B. Murgante,A. C. Daverona,P. Stratakis,N. Vlissidis,A. Kavadias,D. Economou,K. Santimpantakis,B. Karathanasis,V. Kyriakopoulou,and E. Gadolou
D. N. Pantazis
Research Group SOCRATES (Society for Organizations, Cartography, Remote sensing/Road design and Applications using Technology/Transport engineering on Earth and Space), Dept. of Civil, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, School of Technological Applications, Athens University of Applied Sciences (TEI of Athens), Greece
V. C. Moussas
Research Group SOCRATES (Society for Organizations, Cartography, Remote sensing/Road design and Applications using Technology/Transport engineering on Earth and Space), Dept. of Civil, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, School of Technological Applications, Athens University of Applied Sciences (TEI of Athens), Greece
B. Murgante
School of Engineering, University of Basilicata, Italy
A. C. Daverona
Research Group SOCRATES (Society for Organizations, Cartography, Remote sensing/Road design and Applications using Technology/Transport engineering on Earth and Space), Dept. of Civil, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, School of Technological Applications, Athens University of Applied Sciences (TEI of Athens), Greece
P. Stratakis
Research Group SOCRATES (Society for Organizations, Cartography, Remote sensing/Road design and Applications using Technology/Transport engineering on Earth and Space), Dept. of Civil, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, School of Technological Applications, Athens University of Applied Sciences (TEI of Athens), Greece
N. Vlissidis
Research Group SOCRATES (Society for Organizations, Cartography, Remote sensing/Road design and Applications using Technology/Transport engineering on Earth and Space), Dept. of Civil, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, School of Technological Applications, Athens University of Applied Sciences (TEI of Athens), Greece
A. Kavadias
Research Group SOCRATES (Society for Organizations, Cartography, Remote sensing/Road design and Applications using Technology/Transport engineering on Earth and Space), Dept. of Civil, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, School of Technological Applications, Athens University of Applied Sciences (TEI of Athens), Greece
D. Economou
Research Group SOCRATES (Society for Organizations, Cartography, Remote sensing/Road design and Applications using Technology/Transport engineering on Earth and Space), Dept. of Civil, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, School of Technological Applications, Athens University of Applied Sciences (TEI of Athens), Greece
K. Santimpantakis
Research Group SOCRATES (Society for Organizations, Cartography, Remote sensing/Road design and Applications using Technology/Transport engineering on Earth and Space), Dept. of Civil, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, School of Technological Applications, Athens University of Applied Sciences (TEI of Athens), Greece
B. Karathanasis
Research Group SOCRATES (Society for Organizations, Cartography, Remote sensing/Road design and Applications using Technology/Transport engineering on Earth and Space), Dept. of Civil, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, School of Technological Applications, Athens University of Applied Sciences (TEI of Athens), Greece
V. Kyriakopoulou
Research Group SOCRATES (Society for Organizations, Cartography, Remote sensing/Road design and Applications using Technology/Transport engineering on Earth and Space), Dept. of Civil, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, School of Technological Applications, Athens University of Applied Sciences (TEI of Athens), Greece
E. Gadolou
Research Group SOCRATES (Society for Organizations, Cartography, Remote sensing/Road design and Applications using Technology/Transport engineering on Earth and Space), Dept. of Civil, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, School of Technological Applications, Athens University of Applied Sciences (TEI of Athens), Greece
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