ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus
Articles | Volume X-1-2024
09 May 2024
 | 09 May 2024

On-the-Fly SfM: What you capture is What you get

Zongqian Zhan, Rui Xia, Yifei Yu, Yibo Xu, and Xin Wang

Keywords: Structure from Motion (SfM), Image Matching, Vocabulary Tree, Image Retrieval, Bundle Adjustment

Abstract. Over the last decades, ample achievements have been made on Structure from Motion (SfM). However, the vast majority of them basically work in an offline manner, i.e., images are firstly captured and then fed together into a SfM pipeline for obtaining poses and sparse point cloud. In this work, on the contrary, we present an on-the-fly SfM: running online SfM while image capturing, the newly taken On-the-Fly image is online estimated with the corresponding pose and points, i.e., what you capture is what you get. Specifically, our approach firstly employs a vocabulary tree that is unsupervised trained using learning-based global features for fast image retrieval of newly fly-in image. Then, a robust feature matching mechanism with least squares (LSM) is presented to improve image registration performance. Finally, via investigating the influence of newly fly-in image’s connected neighboring images, an efficient hierarchical weighted local bundle adjustment (BA) is used for optimization. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that on-the-fly SfM can meet the goal of robustly registering the images while capturing in an online way.