February 23, 2025
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Volume X-4/W4-2024, 2024 – Keyword index
Volume X-4/W4-2024
Volume X-4/W4-2024
Volume X-4/W4-2024, 2024 – Keyword index
Enhancing Roadway Safety: Lidar-Based Tree-Clearance Analysis
, pages 21–28
3D City Model
Towards an Automated Transformation of an nD Urban Data Model to a Computational Ontology Network: From UML to OWL, From CityGML 3.0 to “CityOWL”
, pages 231–238
3D city model
Towards a Digital Twin of Liege: The Core 3D Model based on Semantic Segmentation and Automated Modeling of LiDAR Point Clouds
, pages 13–20
A Novel Algorithm to Estimate Solar Irradiance of Urban Buildings for Photovoltaic Potential Estimation System Using a 3D City Model
, pages 115–122
Estimation of Photovoltaic Potential of Urban Buildings Considering a Solar Panel Arrangement Using a 3D City Model
, pages 123–130
3D environment
IMUV: A Digital Twin for Mediation to Discover and Exchange on Territories
, pages 107–114
3D modelling
IMUV: A Digital Twin for Mediation to Discover and Exchange on Territories
, pages 107–114
Semantic 3D city models as support for urban flood resilience: experiences from Rotterdam
, pages 5–12
A Multi-Flow Visual Analytics Web Platform for Detecting High Wind Energy Potential in Urban Environments
, pages 89–97
Aerial Imagery
Study on the effect of color space in deep multitask learning neural networks for road segmentation
, pages 201–208
Airborne Multi-Sensor
Airborne Cross-Source Point Clouds Fusion by Slice-to-Slice Adjustment
, pages 161–168
Centralised monitoring and control of buildings using open standards
, pages 169–176
aerial images
Machine Learning Based Mobile Capacity Estimation for Roadside Parking
, pages 99–106
artificial intelligence
Forest/rural road network detection and condition monitoring based on satellite imagery and deep semantic segmentation
, pages 81–88
Building Extraction
Building extraction in urban and rural areas with aerial and LiDAR DSM
, pages 73–79
building control
Centralised monitoring and control of buildings using open standards
, pages 169–176
A Multi-Flow Visual Analytics Web Platform for Detecting High Wind Energy Potential in Urban Environments
, pages 89–97
Cadastral Map
Simulation of Urban Density Scenario according to the Cadastral Map using K-Means unsupervised classification
, pages 57–63
Smart Cities, G.I.S. and the Phenomenon of Piracy
, pages 65–71
Case study Stuttgart
A Concept for 3D Geological and Urban Subsurface Modeling with a Unified Voxel Model Examined by a Case Study for the City Center of Stuttgart (Baden-Württemberg), Germany
, pages 193–200
Cellular Automata
Modelling multi-density urban expansion using Cellular Automata for Brussels Metropolitan Development Area
, pages 29–34
Change detection
Deep Learning-Based Assessment of Urban and Vegetation Changes Using High-Resolution Khalifasat Satellite Imagery over Dubai
, pages 137–143
City Digital Twins
The Role of Computational Fluid Dynamics within City Digital Twins: Opportunities and Challenges
, pages 131–136
City Modelling
Airborne Cross-Source Point Clouds Fusion by Slice-to-Slice Adjustment
, pages 161–168
Semantic 3D city models as support for urban flood resilience: experiences from Rotterdam
, pages 5–12
A Concept for 3D Geological and Urban Subsurface Modeling with a Unified Voxel Model Examined by a Case Study for the City Center of Stuttgart (Baden-Württemberg), Germany
, pages 193–200
Towards a Digital Twin of Liege: The Core 3D Model based on Semantic Segmentation and Automated Modeling of LiDAR Point Clouds
, pages 13–20
Color Space
Study on the effect of color space in deep multitask learning neural networks for road segmentation
, pages 201–208
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
The Role of Computational Fluid Dynamics within City Digital Twins: Opportunities and Challenges
, pages 131–136
Computational Ontology
Towards an Automated Transformation of an nD Urban Data Model to a Computational Ontology Network: From UML to OWL, From CityGML 3.0 to “CityOWL”
, pages 231–238
Data Engineering
(m)App my data! Developing a Map-ability Rating and App to Rapidly Communicate Data Quality and Interoperability Potential of Open Data
, pages 49–56
Data Integration
(m)App my data! Developing a Map-ability Rating and App to Rapidly Communicate Data Quality and Interoperability Potential of Open Data
, pages 49–56
Deep Learning
Urban Tree Detection from Remote Sensing Data based on DeepForest Model
, pages 35–41
Building extraction in urban and rural areas with aerial and LiDAR DSM
, pages 73–79
Deep Learning-Based Assessment of Urban and Vegetation Changes Using High-Resolution Khalifasat Satellite Imagery over Dubai
, pages 137–143
Study on the effect of color space in deep multitask learning neural networks for road segmentation
, pages 201–208
Urban Tree Detection from Remote Sensing Data based on DeepForest Model
, pages 35–41
Denman-Beavers Iteration
Spatiotemporal Interpolation Method for Population Flow Data in Urban Areas
, pages 145–152
Digital Elevation Model
Building extraction in urban and rural areas with aerial and LiDAR DSM
, pages 73–79
Digital Surface Model
Building extraction in urban and rural areas with aerial and LiDAR DSM
, pages 73–79
Digital Twin
Towards a Digital Twin of Liege: The Core 3D Model based on Semantic Segmentation and Automated Modeling of LiDAR Point Clouds
, pages 13–20
Distributed Systems
A Multi-Flow Visual Analytics Web Platform for Detecting High Wind Energy Potential in Urban Environments
, pages 89–97
digital twins
Machine Learning Based Mobile Capacity Estimation for Roadside Parking
, pages 99–106
district level
Centralised monitoring and control of buildings using open standards
, pages 169–176
Critical Comparative Analysis of UAS Legislative Developments
, pages 223–230
(m)App my data! Developing a Map-ability Rating and App to Rapidly Communicate Data Quality and Interoperability Potential of Open Data
, pages 49–56
(m)App my data! Developing a Map-ability Rating and App to Rapidly Communicate Data Quality and Interoperability Potential of Open Data
, pages 49–56
Environment-Friendly Solutions
Detecting Hull Fouling using Machine Learning Algorithms trained on Ship Propulsion Data to Improve Resource Management and Increase Environmental Benefits
, pages 185–192
estimation algorithm
A Novel Algorithm to Estimate Solar Irradiance of Urban Buildings for Photovoltaic Potential Estimation System Using a 3D City Model
, pages 115–122
Flood Resilience Score
Semantic 3D city models as support for urban flood resilience: experiences from Rotterdam
, pages 5–12
forest and rural road network monitoring
Forest/rural road network detection and condition monitoring based on satellite imagery and deep semantic segmentation
, pages 81–88
freeware platform Street view
Volunteered Citizen Contribution to Smart Cities
, pages 217–222
(m)App my data! Developing a Map-ability Rating and App to Rapidly Communicate Data Quality and Interoperability Potential of Open Data
, pages 49–56
IMUV: A Digital Twin for Mediation to Discover and Exchange on Territories
, pages 107–114
Geological 3D modeling
A Concept for 3D Geological and Urban Subsurface Modeling with a Unified Voxel Model Examined by a Case Study for the City Center of Stuttgart (Baden-Württemberg), Germany
, pages 193–200
Geospatial Data
Airborne Cross-Source Point Clouds Fusion by Slice-to-Slice Adjustment
, pages 161–168
Geospatial Semantic Web
Towards an Automated Transformation of an nD Urban Data Model to a Computational Ontology Network: From UML to OWL, From CityGML 3.0 to “CityOWL”
, pages 231–238
Machine Learning Based Mobile Capacity Estimation for Roadside Parking
, pages 99–106
gravel road condition monitoring
Forest/rural road network detection and condition monitoring based on satellite imagery and deep semantic segmentation
, pages 81–88
gravel road detection and extraction
Forest/rural road network detection and condition monitoring based on satellite imagery and deep semantic segmentation
, pages 81–88
Smart Cities, G.I.S. and the Phenomenon of Piracy
, pages 65–71
Hull Fouling
Detecting Hull Fouling using Machine Learning Algorithms trained on Ship Propulsion Data to Improve Resource Management and Increase Environmental Benefits
, pages 185–192
ISPRS Annals
, pages 1–4
Insta One
Volunteered Citizen Contribution to Smart Cities
, pages 217–222
Intelligent Transport Systems
Detecting Hull Fouling using Machine Learning Algorithms trained on Ship Propulsion Data to Improve Resource Management and Increase Environmental Benefits
, pages 185–192
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Dynamic Geospatial Data Integration: A Case Study of Moving Objects in Munakata City, Japan Using OGC API Moving Features and Sensorthings API
, pages 209–216
(m)App my data! Developing a Map-ability Rating and App to Rapidly Communicate Data Quality and Interoperability Potential of Open Data
, pages 49–56
IMUV: A Digital Twin for Mediation to Discover and Exchange on Territories
, pages 107–114
Towards an Automated Transformation of an nD Urban Data Model to a Computational Ontology Network: From UML to OWL, From CityGML 3.0 to “CityOWL”
, pages 231–238
institutional and spatial constraints
Institutional and spatial constraints on locating VoloPorts in Greek metropolitan areas
, pages 177–183
K-means classification
Simulation of Urban Density Scenario according to the Cadastral Map using K-Means unsupervised classification
, pages 57–63
KPI Factors for Smart Cities
Smart Cities: From Theory to Reality - The Athens Case
, pages 153–160
Deep Learning-Based Assessment of Urban and Vegetation Changes Using High-Resolution Khalifasat Satellite Imagery over Dubai
, pages 137–143
Land Use Studies
Modelling multi-density urban expansion using Cellular Automata for Brussels Metropolitan Development Area
, pages 29–34
Land surface temperature
Local Climate Zoning Interaction on Land Surface Temperature Determination - City of Split Case Study
, pages 43–48
Laser Scanning
Airborne Cross-Source Point Clouds Fusion by Slice-to-Slice Adjustment
, pages 161–168
Enhancing Roadway Safety: Lidar-Based Tree-Clearance Analysis
, pages 21–28
LiDAR point cloud
Towards a Digital Twin of Liege: The Core 3D Model based on Semantic Segmentation and Automated Modeling of LiDAR Point Clouds
, pages 13–20
Local Governments
Smart Cities: From Theory to Reality - The Athens Case
, pages 153–160
Local climate zones
Local Climate Zoning Interaction on Land Surface Temperature Determination - City of Split Case Study
, pages 43–48
law enforcement system
Critical Comparative Analysis of UAS Legislative Developments
, pages 223–230
Machine Learning
Detecting Hull Fouling using Machine Learning Algorithms trained on Ship Propulsion Data to Improve Resource Management and Increase Environmental Benefits
, pages 185–192
(m)App my data! Developing a Map-ability Rating and App to Rapidly Communicate Data Quality and Interoperability Potential of Open Data
, pages 49–56
Smart Cities, G.I.S. and the Phenomenon of Piracy
, pages 65–71
Model-driven Approach
Towards an Automated Transformation of an nD Urban Data Model to a Computational Ontology Network: From UML to OWL, From CityGML 3.0 to “CityOWL”
, pages 231–238
Moving Features
Dynamic Geospatial Data Integration: A Case Study of Moving Objects in Munakata City, Japan Using OGC API Moving Features and Sensorthings API
, pages 209–216
Modelling multi-density urban expansion using Cellular Automata for Brussels Metropolitan Development Area
, pages 29–34
machine learning
Machine Learning Based Mobile Capacity Estimation for Roadside Parking
, pages 99–106
Naval Empirical Rules
Detecting Hull Fouling using Machine Learning Algorithms trained on Ship Propulsion Data to Improve Resource Management and Increase Environmental Benefits
, pages 185–192
Neural Network
Study on the effect of color space in deep multitask learning neural networks for road segmentation
, pages 201–208
A Multi-Flow Visual Analytics Web Platform for Detecting High Wind Energy Potential in Urban Environments
, pages 89–97
OGC Sensorthings API
Centralised monitoring and control of buildings using open standards
, pages 169–176
Open Data
(m)App my data! Developing a Map-ability Rating and App to Rapidly Communicate Data Quality and Interoperability Potential of Open Data
, pages 49–56
Open Geospatial Consortium
Dynamic Geospatial Data Integration: A Case Study of Moving Objects in Munakata City, Japan Using OGC API Moving Features and Sensorthings API
, pages 209–216
open standards
Centralised monitoring and control of buildings using open standards
, pages 169–176
Airborne Cross-Source Point Clouds Fusion by Slice-to-Slice Adjustment
, pages 161–168
Smart Cities, G.I.S. and the Phenomenon of Piracy
, pages 65–71
Poisson Disk Sampling
Urban Tree Detection from Remote Sensing Data based on DeepForest Model
, pages 35–41
Population Flow
Spatiotemporal Interpolation Method for Population Flow Data in Urban Areas
, pages 145–152
, pages 1–4
Machine Learning Based Mobile Capacity Estimation for Roadside Parking
, pages 99–106
photovoltaic potential
A Novel Algorithm to Estimate Solar Irradiance of Urban Buildings for Photovoltaic Potential Estimation System Using a 3D City Model
, pages 115–122
Estimation of Photovoltaic Potential of Urban Buildings Considering a Solar Panel Arrangement Using a 3D City Model
, pages 123–130
point clouds
Enhancing Roadway Safety: Lidar-Based Tree-Clearance Analysis
, pages 21–28
Semantic 3D city models as support for urban flood resilience: experiences from Rotterdam
, pages 5–12
Airborne Cross-Source Point Clouds Fusion by Slice-to-Slice Adjustment
, pages 161–168
Registration Systems
Critical Comparative Analysis of UAS Legislative Developments
, pages 223–230
Remote Sensing
Forest/rural road network detection and condition monitoring based on satellite imagery and deep semantic segmentation
, pages 81–88
Road Segmentation
Study on the effect of color space in deep multitask learning neural networks for road segmentation
, pages 201–208
SDSC 2024
, pages 1–4
SLEUTH model
Simulation of Urban Density Scenario according to the Cadastral Map using K-Means unsupervised classification
, pages 57–63
Semantic Segmentation
Towards a Digital Twin of Liege: The Core 3D Model based on Semantic Segmentation and Automated Modeling of LiDAR Point Clouds
, pages 13–20
SensorThings API
Dynamic Geospatial Data Integration: A Case Study of Moving Objects in Munakata City, Japan Using OGC API Moving Features and Sensorthings API
, pages 209–216
Ship Performance Monitoring
Detecting Hull Fouling using Machine Learning Algorithms trained on Ship Propulsion Data to Improve Resource Management and Increase Environmental Benefits
, pages 185–192
Smart Athens
Smart Cities: From Theory to Reality - The Athens Case
, pages 153–160
Smart Cities
(m)App my data! Developing a Map-ability Rating and App to Rapidly Communicate Data Quality and Interoperability Potential of Open Data
, pages 49–56
A Multi-Flow Visual Analytics Web Platform for Detecting High Wind Energy Potential in Urban Environments
, pages 89–97
Smart Cities: From Theory to Reality - The Athens Case
, pages 153–160
Dynamic Geospatial Data Integration: A Case Study of Moving Objects in Munakata City, Japan Using OGC API Moving Features and Sensorthings API
, pages 209–216
Smart City
Smart Cities, G.I.S. and the Phenomenon of Piracy
, pages 65–71
Smart City Components
Smart Cities: From Theory to Reality - The Athens Case
, pages 153–160
Smart Data
Smart Cities: From Theory to Reality - The Athens Case
, pages 153–160
Smart people
Volunteered Citizen Contribution to Smart Cities
, pages 217–222
Spatial planning
Semantic 3D city models as support for urban flood resilience: experiences from Rotterdam
, pages 5–12
Spatiotemporal Interpolation
Spatiotemporal Interpolation Method for Population Flow Data in Urban Areas
, pages 145–152
Centralised monitoring and control of buildings using open standards
, pages 169–176
Estimation of Photovoltaic Potential of Urban Buildings Considering a Solar Panel Arrangement Using a 3D City Model
, pages 123–130
solar irradiance
A Novel Algorithm to Estimate Solar Irradiance of Urban Buildings for Photovoltaic Potential Estimation System Using a 3D City Model
, pages 115–122
Estimation of Photovoltaic Potential of Urban Buildings Considering a Solar Panel Arrangement Using a 3D City Model
, pages 123–130
solar panel arrangement
Estimation of Photovoltaic Potential of Urban Buildings Considering a Solar Panel Arrangement Using a 3D City Model
, pages 123–130
spatial data
Volunteered Citizen Contribution to Smart Cities
, pages 217–222
street view images
Machine Learning Based Mobile Capacity Estimation for Roadside Parking
, pages 99–106
Spatiotemporal Interpolation Method for Population Flow Data in Urban Areas
, pages 145–152
Smart Cities, G.I.S. and the Phenomenon of Piracy
, pages 65–71
Institutional and spatial constraints on locating VoloPorts in Greek metropolitan areas
, pages 177–183
UAS classification
Critical Comparative Analysis of UAS Legislative Developments
, pages 223–230
UAS geographical zones
Critical Comparative Analysis of UAS Legislative Developments
, pages 223–230
UAS legislation
Critical Comparative Analysis of UAS Legislative Developments
, pages 223–230
Building extraction in urban and rural areas with aerial and LiDAR DSM
, pages 73–79
Urban Complexity
The Role of Computational Fluid Dynamics within City Digital Twins: Opportunities and Challenges
, pages 131–136
Urban Demography
Spatiotemporal Interpolation Method for Population Flow Data in Urban Areas
, pages 145–152
Urban Expansion
Modelling multi-density urban expansion using Cellular Automata for Brussels Metropolitan Development Area
, pages 29–34
Urban Knowledge Graph
Towards an Automated Transformation of an nD Urban Data Model to a Computational Ontology Network: From UML to OWL, From CityGML 3.0 to “CityOWL”
, pages 231–238
Urban Planning
Modelling multi-density urban expansion using Cellular Automata for Brussels Metropolitan Development Area
, pages 29–34
Urban Tree Detection
Urban Tree Detection from Remote Sensing Data based on DeepForest Model
, pages 35–41
Urban change
Deep Learning-Based Assessment of Urban and Vegetation Changes Using High-Resolution Khalifasat Satellite Imagery over Dubai
, pages 137–143
Urban densification
Simulation of Urban Density Scenario according to the Cadastral Map using K-Means unsupervised classification
, pages 57–63
Urban heat island
Local Climate Zoning Interaction on Land Surface Temperature Determination - City of Split Case Study
, pages 43–48
Urban modelling and simulation
Simulation of Urban Density Scenario according to the Cadastral Map using K-Means unsupervised classification
, pages 57–63
Urban subsurface modeling
A Concept for 3D Geological and Urban Subsurface Modeling with a Unified Voxel Model Examined by a Case Study for the City Center of Stuttgart (Baden-Württemberg), Germany
, pages 193–200
urban building
A Novel Algorithm to Estimate Solar Irradiance of Urban Buildings for Photovoltaic Potential Estimation System Using a 3D City Model
, pages 115–122
urban data
Enhancing Roadway Safety: Lidar-Based Tree-Clearance Analysis
, pages 21–28
urban digital twins
IMUV: A Digital Twin for Mediation to Discover and Exchange on Territories
, pages 107–114
Virtual tour
Volunteered Citizen Contribution to Smart Cities
, pages 217–222
Visual Analytics
A Multi-Flow Visual Analytics Web Platform for Detecting High Wind Energy Potential in Urban Environments
, pages 89–97
The Role of Computational Fluid Dynamics within City Digital Twins: Opportunities and Challenges
, pages 131–136
VoloPorts location
Institutional and spatial constraints on locating VoloPorts in Greek metropolitan areas
, pages 177–183
A Concept for 3D Geological and Urban Subsurface Modeling with a Unified Voxel Model Examined by a Case Study for the City Center of Stuttgart (Baden-Württemberg), Germany
, pages 193–200
vegetation management
Enhancing Roadway Safety: Lidar-Based Tree-Clearance Analysis
, pages 21–28
Web Orchestration
A Multi-Flow Visual Analytics Web Platform for Detecting High Wind Energy Potential in Urban Environments
, pages 89–97
Web Visualization
A Multi-Flow Visual Analytics Web Platform for Detecting High Wind Energy Potential in Urban Environments
, pages 89–97
Web services
A Multi-Flow Visual Analytics Web Platform for Detecting High Wind Energy Potential in Urban Environments
, pages 89–97
A Multi-Flow Visual Analytics Web Platform for Detecting High Wind Energy Potential in Urban Environments
, pages 89–97
Wind Flow
The Role of Computational Fluid Dynamics within City Digital Twins: Opportunities and Challenges
, pages 131–136
Wind Simulation
A Multi-Flow Visual Analytics Web Platform for Detecting High Wind Energy Potential in Urban Environments
, pages 89–97
Wind energy
A Multi-Flow Visual Analytics Web Platform for Detecting High Wind Energy Potential in Urban Environments
, pages 89–97
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